CA State Contractors Lic. #902197

Commercial Maintenance
Landscape Maintenance Service Options
We can give you a free quote for our various service options or give you a tailored made quote for your particular needs. If you want to have a more cost effect quote, I would find a way. We do mainly commercial landscape maintenance, but we do maintain homes that fit the criteria of commercial properties. We are quite experienced in maintaining shopping centers, industrial parks and buildings, office complexes, apartment buildings and HOA properties. Each type of property has different needs. We are able to meet these needs considering our experience in working with each type of property.
Most of the properties we maintain are done on a weekly basis. But we do offer other service options. You may want to consider the following options to maintain your property:
· Weekly service on a monthly basis (52 weeks a year).
· Weekly service on a monthly basis. Months that have 5 weeks, the 5th week would be skipped (48 times a year)
· Bi-weekly (26 times a year)
· Bi-monthly (24 times a year)
· Every 10 days
· Once a monthly
Other streamlined landscape maintenance options:
· Weekly service on a monthly basis for the major part of the year. During the winter months (November, December, January and February) the full service would be done every other week.
· Weekly service on a monthly basis for the major part of the year. Winter months (November, December, January and February) the service would be done weekly, except the lawn would be done every other week.
We are the only landscape maintenance company that I am aware of that offers all of these maintenance options. I came up with these options to better meet the needs of my customers and to have flexible prices in a fluctuating economy. The Every-10-Days option eliminates 16 weeks (approximately 3 months) from the yearly calendar. Having to wait 3 more days more than the regular weekly service can cut your cost down by approximately 25%. For example, I quoted a job for $1000 for weekly service, and I offered the Every-10-Days option. It brought down the quote down to $750.00, which is a savings of $250.00 a month or $3000.00 a year.
General Service Specifications:
· Lawn: Mowing and edging of lawn.
· Irrigation: Inspecting and monitoring the irrigation system. Our crew can change valves and operate the irrigation controller and do repairs. We are self sufficient and don’t need any outside help nor do we have another crew that would take care of this. The advantage is that our crew can spot irrigation problems and take care of them in the same visit.
· Tree trimming: We can give you a quote for tree trimming when you are ready for the service. No tree is too big for us. For big projects a cherry picker is used and a commercial wood chipper.
· Fertilizing: We fertilize the lawn about 4 times a year on lawns. Plants we fertilize as needed.
· Weed control: We use herbicide on parking lots to prevent weeds from cracking asphalt. Also, we use herbicide where weeds can get out of control. We normally try to put wood chips on ground with bare areas so as to prevent weeds from growing in the first place.
· Airblowing: We airblow parking lots, driveways, walkways and car ports. We don’t offer parking lot sweeping.
· Planting: We do seasonal flower planting for most of our properties. We can help you with a landscape design to install flowers, plants and trees.
· We can provide any service our C-27 license allows.
In order to maintain a California state contractors’ license, contractors must carry workmen’s compensation insurance and be bonded. We carry both insurances and additionally we carry a $2,000,000.00 general liability insurance and commercial auto insurance.